Logo for a food brand
- Status: Closed
- Hadiah: $50
- Penyertaan Diterima: 22
- Pemenang: catalinorzan
Ringkasan Peraduan
We have a registered trademark called - PURE LEAF
The brand is for our Food products, ranging from agricultural products such as rice, beans, wheat flour, maize flour, cowpeas, green mong, yellow gram etc.
We also have a range of other food items such as tomato sauces, mayonnaise, chill sauces and all other sauces.
The agricultural items are procured locally, the sauces and other items are imported.
The brand Pure Leaf, should pay attention to that fact that we are promoting the agricultural products of our country, encouraging and empowering farmers aswell.
Any colour, but it must be in line with the below.
Promoting agricultural, agricultural methods hence pure leaf, local foods and so on.
Kemahiran Disyorkan
Maklum Balas Majikan
“@catalinorzan won the contest on 9 July 2013”
zaheerfazal, Tanzania, United Republic of.
Papan Penjelasan Umum
- 11 tahun yang lalu
50 DOLLARS! *gulp*
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congratssssssssssss #286
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see private message
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#352 and #353 - feedback is appreciated, thanks.
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please look #339.Thanks.
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please check entry #343
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hi, please check entry #342
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Please check #341
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please check entry #335 #336 #337
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#327 ;)
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please check #326
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hi! please check and rate #316. any feedback would be much appreciated in order to upload variations. tks, regards!
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Please see #315
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mine #299...do have some thought..Please...!
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Please see #298
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please check entry #288
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Please Review #270 and #271 :)
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Code Chopper
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please view #281
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zaheerfazal I'll speak for most of us here, next time please don't reject all entries especially the ones that were good it simply hurts our xp and credits. We understand that you can't choose all of them but short listing by rejection is really not nice. This said, thank you for the opportunity and if you think that some designs that were rejected can be improved simply free to private message us.
- 11 tahun yang lalu
- 11 tahun yang lalu
wat got over you to reject all the previous entries... this is not fair
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please see #174
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Penganjur Peraduan - 11 tahun yang lalu
please see your private messages,
also #84 the leaf is abit like the Marijuana leaf, can try making it a little more subtle.- 11 tahun yang lalu
- 11 tahun yang lalu
all like Marijuana :) it will be more eye-catching :D
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Please see #232
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Penganjur Peraduan - 11 tahun yang lalu
please see your private messages
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- 11 tahun yang lalu
Hey Contest Holder.. have you lost your senses ? Why do you reject all entries, even those you rated previously well.
You are upto something. If you are geniune, what bothers you for keeping them though u dont chose them as winners.- 11 tahun yang lalu
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please check entry 248,UNIQUE logo
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please check entry 247,thank you
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please check entry 246
thank you- 11 tahun yang lalu
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HI Please check #242...
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- 11 tahun yang lalu
hi , i upgraded my designs please check #230 with gradient and shadow & #231 with gradient and stroke lines please check them thank you very much!
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please like my entries they are very good concept and really matches the product :) #127 / #126
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#228 Please
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#222 Please check my logo... thank you.
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#220 #221 Please check my logo
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hi, #218 #219 Please check my logo
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Plese full view my design and leave a feedback.. #212 and #213 thank you very much! :)
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please see #203
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please check #200 , hi...hi...hi...
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please check #198 :) if need to change colour just say :)
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please check #195, $196 and #197... thank you.
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#15 is copied check the link
http://www.google.com.pk/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=869&q=pure+leaf+vector&oq=pure+leaf+vector&gs_l=img.3...1508.5750.0.6065.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48293060,d.ZWU&fp=de69f79581a5d116&biw=1280&bih=869&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=aIv3 0p_I1V3UzM%3A%3B2vY2na4ce104KM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtoart.com%252Fdesign_pic%252Fbigpic%252F%252Fb_1268510249883.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtoart.com%252Fhtml%252FVector%252FIcon_Logo%252F8000.html%3B600%3B307- 11 tahun yang lalu
Lihat 3 mesej lagi-
- 11 tahun yang lalu
whatever...i jus wanted to find out what'll happen if we worker do sth like this....but i don't mind since I'm a new in freelancer.com but not in this business...
and i wont mention mention or any link to prove other work are fake or copied since most of the design posted in this contest are copied (mostly from vector design in GOOGLE) coz even if they copied from others design creation, they copied to produce a new design & they have worked hard even if their works are copied...so i suggest you guys "not to sniff your nose in others creation work.."(i'm not saying this for myself, believe me!)...
by the way no hard feelings for ya guy & Thanks.- 11 tahun yang lalu
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hey loser subodhstha, u copycat. u r a cheater. get out of here.
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Please check #184
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#151 #152
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#180 #181 #182 Please check my logo
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Hi, #179 Please check my logo
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Please check #175. Thank you.
- 11 tahun yang lalu
Bagaimana untuk mulakan dengan peraduan
Siarkan Peraduan Anda Cepat dan mudah
Dapatkan Bertan-tan Penyertaan Dari serata dunia
Anugerahkan penyertaan terbaik Muat turun fail - Mudah!