...be used for image processing and understanding. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in app development for both iOS and Android platforms - Experience in integrating A.I technology into mobile apps - Knowledge of data tracking and analysis techniques Things to be built 1 User Registration and Profile Management 2 Camera Integration 3 AI Algorithm linking such as ( Posenet or any other AI modal ) 4 Measurement Calculation 5 Recommandation to our ecommerce uniform (hyperlink) 6 Cross-Platform Development 7 Database Integration 8 User Authentication and Security 9 Testing and Quality Assurance 10 Integration with Payment Gateway (if needed / maybe no need as all payment is in e-com) 11 App Deployment to App Stores 12 Maintenance and Updates (per year h...
**** INDIVIDUAL FREELANCERS ONLY **** Looking for an experienced Unity developer for ~ 1-2 month project to develop an app on Unity. High level project requirements (Detailed requirements to be provided once shortlisted) - - As a first step, create a quick proof-of-concept to demonstrate your skill level (related to the application requirements). T...duration contract once the MVP is completed. - Delivery and payments will be milestones based - Write - "I am human" at the top of your bid/response, so we know you have read through the job requirements Required experience - - Experience in game development - Minimum 6 years experience on Unity development (both Android and IOS) Good to have experience - - Tensorflow / Tensorflow Lite experience - PoseNet / OpenPose exper...
Need a tutor for machine learnin, must know how to use Wekinator, ML5, Posenet, Style Transfer , sound classification
Hi Kaibalya B., I want to update the existing PoseNet algorithm to OpenPose and extract to save metrics like body posepoints, UserID, time and activity to Json, csv like we did before. No changes except baseline algo which is OpenPose this time. I'll pass you my old notebooks which you developed for reference. thanks
Use both models(posenet and yoga) and show if the user is doing good. It must have a login and signup screen, and should allow the user to pick between diferent poses by their ability, begginer, intermediate and expert.
Help us build a unique app. It involve in recording and editing a video + using core ML- PoseNet
...accelerate our effort with the help of a TensorFlow/TensorFlow Lite expert to work with us on model tuning and optimization. Some experience working with Swift/iOS is required. We expect to have ongoing work for this project. This would be your first task: Google published a web based model for pose detection based on a ResNet50 architecture: This model is only available as a tensorflow js. model and we would like to convert it to a tensorflow lite model running on an iOS app. We will provide with the iOS app (currently running on another model) - which is a simple app that simply loads videos and runs models on them. There is no significant mobile development outside adapting the model inputs and outputs to the right formats.
is looking for an expert web developer to build an embeddable WebGL component and custom landing page that leverages markerless feature tracking and WebGL to deliver an interactive 3D experience in real time. [ required experience ] * WebGL site development experience * Experience with with real time markerless feature detection and related libraries (PoseNet, MediaPipe, ) * Source control experience is a must (GITHUB preferred) [ skills ] * Ability to communicate clearly * Attention to details * Easily legible coding and documentation style
hello, We have a customized the tensorflow js (posenet model) and we want to make it available offline (not connected to internet). The online page is available here: The complete project (javascript+ html) is available in the attached file. Thanks
I am looking for ml5 and posenet expert to work on my project. More details will be shared with selected freelancers
Pose Estimation Xamarin IOS (Posenet, Openpose etc) I need this Swift Posenet sample converted to be consumed by Xamarin IOS Deliverables The xamarin ios app needs to be fully functional as the swift app.
I need this Swift Posenet sample converted to be consumed by Xamarin IOS Deliverables The xamarin ios app needs to be fully functional as the swift app.
I need you to convert this app to xamarin ios.
I need this Swift Posenet sample converted to be consumed by Xamarin IOS I am a Xamarin C# developer however i don't have Swift skills. Deliverables The xamarin ios app needs to be fully functional as the swift app.
I need this Swift Posenet sample converted to be consumed by Xamarin IOS The xamarin ios app needs to be fully functional as the swift app.
I need this code transported to C# Xamarin IOS
Using TensorFlow and Posenet I am looking for something that can track Eyes Head Shoulders Arms Elbows Waist Thighs Knees Ankles Feet And I would like sometime that can use multi-camera for more accuracy And something that can create a 3D skeleton tracking if the person
I need someone that can get a Posenet Tensorflow human pose estimation model working correctly for this project that can track body movements standing upright and on the ground as well. For instance, doing a pushup where some of the body limbs are possibly occluded.
Seeking expressions of interest to work with an Online Physiotherapy Business to integrate PoseNet pose estimation overlays over static-pose images. For example, a user/client/patient uploads a static image of their posture from in front, the side and from behind. The PoseNet library will load the image data and process the image to overlay the skeleton/bones accordingly. I have provided examples in the attached word document below. I intend to embed/integrate the finalised images into a report for dissemination. I will provide more information upon request.
I need a detection (and more things) app for both platforms in 400usd. Must have good reviews.
This project generally deals with the recognition of gestures that are further used to control the pointer while playing the game. Any body part can be used to control the object by linking that object to the pointer accordingly. This is done with the help of Google’s library for machine learning, Posenet pose detection model, a video or webcam, a browser that supports latest javascript features, and internet connection to load the libraries at runtime. We have created a local server to host this WEB APP and perform all the detection on that.
I want to develop some server-side code Using PoseNet,/OpenCV/Yolov3 and Python ✓ Analyse a video of a football match. For each player, I want to generate some stats Deep experience of the subject area is a must. No time wasters please. In both cases, you will need to show me what you have done in this field, and prove that you can deliver the serverside code in Python. To prove that you have read this, please start your bid with the word "Footie". Thank you.
App proposed budget is 500usd. Android and iOS. Developer must publish iOS version.
App proposed budget is 250usd. Developer must publish iOS version.
App proposed budget is 500usd. Android and iOS. Developer must publish iOS version.
App proposed budget is 250usd. Developer must publish iOS version.
App proposed budget is 250usd. Developer must publish iOS version.
I need a tensorflow posenet app done during the weekend. Budget is 150usd. Android and iOS.
Using tensorflow posenet Register movements and more Android and developer most publish for ios (have account for publishing also) The bid of doing in shorter time I will choose Budget is 150usd in 3 milestones of 50usd.
Tensorflow posenet app Budget is 150usd Android and iOS I need someone that can publish my app on ios. I dont have backend so hired freelancer will do from scratch app.
I need a tensorflow posenet app done during the weekend. Budget is 150usd. Android and iOS.
I need a tensorflow posenet app done during the weekend. Budget is 150usd. Android and iOS.
I need a tensorflow posenet app done during the weekend. Budget is 150usd. Android and iOS.
android and ios tensorflow posenet needs publishing for ios
developer will publish it for ios (apple developer account required) ios android tensorflow posenet total budget 150usd when app is progressing i will release 1st milestone
Needs iOS and developer account for publishing on iOS its a tensorflow app using posenet and more functions budget total is 180usd
TOTAL budget is 180usd android native ios native
We're looking to develop a web-based ML solution to do pose estimation for human feet. From our preliminary research we've found a TensorFlow and PoseNet implementation that works on the web (but does not include feet) We've also found a foot dataset which could potentially be utilised. We are open to using different ML technologies as long as it can run well on the web. The web experience needs to run at interactive frame rates (around 30 fps) and feet pose estimation and tracking needs to be accurate. For inspiration, here is a native app which does this very well.
I want to develop a web app for Gym/Yoga trainer and trainee, to give and do exercise online. For trainer 1. They can upload a video showing how to do an exercise. 2. After uploading, they can choose the pose image from that video that demonstrates each step of the exercise. For trainee 1. They can view the videos upl...estimation. You will be able to detect poses from the video. Fortunately, there is a library for you to do: 3. Pose similarity. You need to compare the trainee live video with pose images extracted from trainer video. If the poses are similar, you can mark the step as done. This library is also available: 4. You will design the web UI and code the functionalities.