Pre-employment Vetting [ Trier, Germany ]

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Pre-Employment Vetting Project in Schleswig, Germany

I am seeking a freelancer who can assist me with pre-employment vetting in Trier, Germany. The ideal candidate for this project will have experience in conducting background checks for potential employees.

Screening Requirements:

- Standard level of screening is required for potential employees

Additional Background Checks:

- Education and Employment Verification checks are required


- The vetting process should be completed within 2 days

Skills and Experience:

- Experience in conducting background checks for potential employees

- Strong attention to detail and accuracy in conducting background checks

Anyone from any educational background can apply.

Local Job Administrative Support Employee Engagement Employee Experience Employee Training Pejabat Umum Sumber Manusia LinkedIn Recruiting Perekrutan Secretarial Technical Recruiter

ID Projek: #36631921

Tentang projek

1 cadangan Aktif 1 tahun lepas

Lokasi: Nordallee 1, Trier, Germany

1 pekerja bebas membida secara purata $90 untuk pekerjaan ini


Hello there! My name is Jens, and I am a strong collaborator on projects related to marketing, social media, branding, web development, e-commerce, powerpoint and other office software. I understand you are seeking a Lagi

$90 USD dalam 7 hari
(0 Ulasan)