English into Urdu Translation

oleh AshrafiHaseena
Jenis fail tidak disokong

I am professional freelance English into Urdu translator and I have experience of almost 6 years in this field. My native language is Urdu. I have experience of translation in almost all fields. I usually work for an International Translation Company, BITS. I assure you, my deliverables will be free from all sorts of mistakes, as per source text and with in deadlines.

image of username AshrafiHaseena Flag of India Pune, India

Tentang Saya

I am professional freelance English into Urdu translator and I have experience of almost 6 years in this field. My native language is Urdu. I have experience of translation in almost all fields. I usually work for an International Translation Company, BITS. I assure you, my deliverables will be free from all sorts of mistakes, as per source text and with in deadlines.

$10 USD/jam

