iPhone/iPad Restaurant Ordering-Menu App

oleh jlfrias
iPhone/iPad Restaurant Ordering-Menu App
iPhone/iPad Restaurant Ordering-Menu App
iPhone/iPad Restaurant Ordering-Menu App
iPhone/iPad Restaurant Ordering-Menu App
iPhone/iPad Restaurant Ordering-Menu App

This app allows to the Restaurants, food chains, delivery services, fast food owners to promote products, deals, different and varied services to selected customers. For the clients that prefers a variety of menus, this app allows to satisfy their needs: * Access to a variety of menus from different restaurants using their favorite smartphone * Check the product details or perform customized searches * Create your orders quickly and easily * Confirm the order and enjoy the product without complex procedures, with maximum productivity * Insert your personal information * Integrable to facebook, twitter. Features: Full User Interface. Read dynamic content with XML/JSON. Store information in device using Data Base and File System. Advanced Graphic Design. Localization Features. Synchronize with Web Application. Simple and Complete Design.

image of username jlfrias Flag of Bolivia Cochabamba, Bolivia

Tentang Saya

$25 USD/jam

