Graduate Recruitment

oleh jmtrading
Graduate Recruitment
Graduate Recruitment
Graduate Recruitment
Graduate Recruitment
Graduate Recruitment

I have started my Graduates Recruitment Consultants as a Freelancer in 2007 and in 2008 I got a job with Sapho Sethu Human Capital, Isikhathi providing graduates for Services Seta programs. I have managed to recruit over 12400 graduates in Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal and Cape Town and given over 7000 unemployed graduates employment and entrepreneur opportunities. All my clients and companies I worked for they know very well that whatever I become involved in turn into gold. I put everything I have to make sure it's done. Even with my recruitment with the institutions they know when I need the database they know I mean business and they have never disappointed me. So you have a job for me just give me a call or email me with all the details of what you are looking for, what, when, how you want it to be done. Now I am an Ambassador for NSBC the company that is dedicated to help SME, Entrepreneurs and everyone who is thinking of starting a business.

image of username jmtrading Flag of South Africa Johannesburg, South Africa

Tentang Saya

$35 USD/jam