Invoice Surat Jalan

Ditutup Disiarkan Oct 10, 2013 Dibayar semasa penghantaran
Ditutup Dibayar semasa penghantaran

Membuat Aplikasi Web based, aplikasi invoice, surat jalan, booking sheet. dan lain-lain yang menggunakan bahasa PHP atau sebagainya.

PHP Kejuruteraan Perisian

ID Projek: #5013528

Tentang projek

4 cadangan Projek jarak jauh Aktif Nov 18, 2013

4 pekerja bebas membida secara purata $396 untuk pekerjaan ini


Dear Sir, We claim to get it done perfectly for you EXACTLY in the way you want it - Kindly give we a chance and we will prove myself - Ready to prove our words, let's get it done right away and I mean RIGHT AWAY !! Lo Lagi

$309 USD dalam 9 hari
(5 Ulasan)

Hello, I have gone through your requirement you have mentioned in your project details and assuring you that I will do the work by putting the excellency of my 4 yr experience of development and project analysis. I ha Lagi

$277 USD dalam 7 hari
(1 Ulasan)