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Hired freelancer's work is of poor quality

If your freelancer has delivered substandard work, try to communicate with them regarding the parts/features to revise or improve. Note that expressing what you require in detail will help them deliver what you need.


If the matter at hand is a skill issue, give us the details by scrolling down and clicking Contact Us. Agreeing to work on a project they lack the level of expertise for is a violation of our Code of Conduct.


If you no longer wish to work with your awarded freelancer, you can award another freelancer or end the project.



Project success depends on both parties involved. Here’s what we can recommend to avoid the same situation in future projects:

  • Invite bids from elite freelancers. Get help from one of our Recruiters to help connect you to the best freelancer for your project (can be a Preferred Freelancer).
  • Determine who can best deliver. Take the time to screen bidders before awarding your project. Check their profile portfolios for ideas about their capabilities. We also encourage chatting with them and asking for samples similar to what you are looking for—the closer, the better.
  • Hire a Project Manager. After awarding your project, hire a Project Manager to help you with project monitoring and management until completion.
  • Create a timeline. Break down the project into smaller parts prior to actually starting the work, and assign payments for the completion of each. Establish target dates and deadlines for each phase of work delivery.
  • Ensure understanding. Provide your requirements in detail, and maintain regular communication for updates and feedback.


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