Hi..Saya bekerja sebagai administrasi selama 5th di PT. Inter Pan dan sebelumnya 5th di PT. Duta Pertiwi sebagai staff finance&accounting..Saya menggunakan excel dan word dalam bekerja..Saya terbiasa bekerja dengan teliti dan tepat waktu..
saya biaa mengerjakan pekerjaan ini pak..saya biasa mengerjakan pekerjaan kantor,.input data dan pengolahan dengan mic.office. mohon kiranya job dapat diberikan ke saya..thanks
I am a good typist with proper knowledge of MS-Word .I am a new freelancer here but i will make it for you as soon as possible if you give me a chance. I can completed within 1 days for one tasks. I can do your job perfectly and accurately within time-frame. Very good work completed quickly. For more details can pm me. Thank you.
A new freelancer who just venture into this website. Hope to gain more experience and knowledge from this website so that i can prove myself here.
I need guidance and clear instructions from employer to produce best results.
Thank you.
Hai. Mungkin anda bisa merekrut jasa saya mengenai projek data entry seperti yang anda inginkan. Saya akan mengerjakannya sesuai seperti apa yang anda inginkan.